Tuesday, May 6, 2008


What are Sylvère Lotringer and Antonio Negri, these two post marxist, neo structuralist anachronisms doing in the pages of Art Forum? Still talking about revolution, after all these years? Being nostalgic about May 68? You bet. Negri thinks "it was the beginning of an era, not an ending". "The emancipation of the masses would occur through the shift from paid work to the liberation of work". This is, according to him, "what we need to talk about when we speak of '68". It seems Negri, like the Bourbons, learned nothing and forgot nothing. Still spewing forth the old nonsense, still holding fast to old fashioned obscure social theorizing to justify all the horrid mistakes of his political past. Does Art Forum think it is being modern by opening its pages to these two? Or does it feel that a little overwrought French speculation passing as serious thought is needed to compensate for the ads which fill 90% of its pages and feed the feverish capitalist speculation swirling around the art world?

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