Thursday, June 24, 2010

Pietro Citati

Pietro Citati is a reader. He reads for us, voratiously, lovingly, attentively, and then recreates, in romantic and fluid prose, the great literary masterpieces of the western tradition, and the minor half forgotten pieces, the lives and temperament of their heroic authors, the cultural atmosphere in which they worked, their manias, obsessions and visions. He guides us through this labyrinth of words, through this mountain of pages, through this perpetually expanding literary universe and its innumerable bright stars: Daniel Defoe, Goethe, Jane Austen, Thomas De Quincey, Balzac, Alexandre Dumas, Flaubert, Tolstoy, Manzoni, Dickens, Dostoievsky, Poe, Stevenson, Henry James, Proust, Kafka, Fitzgerald... As we read on, we renew old loves, we reacquaint ourselves with friends we hadn't heard of in years and we discover infinite new reading possibilities. These are all the more alluring as most will never be more than that...

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